
Sports & Recreation

Bowling again for 6th year after 30 year absence.

     What do you mean they don't use "those old rubber balls" anymore?

     Carried 160 average for 3 years.

     Developed bad cabbie finger on right hand so now bowling "Lefty"

         (Now that's a real experience to go from right handed to left handed)

     Average after 1.5 years of Lefty was dismal 113. Bill says "Just throw the ball and have fun"

     Then Bill gave me his old ball in Jan 2001 and insisted I get it redrilled for left fingertip grip.

     Feb 21, 2001  I bowled a 247 and on 4/13  I rolled 206, 209, 210 for a 625 series

     Rolled my best game ever of 258 on July 27, 2001

     Scratch that, I rolled  a 276 on Oct 16. 2002 & 178-200-276 for a 654 Series


Thank to my High School buddy, Mr. Bill Martin who rolled a "300" on 11/03/2002 


Occasionally play duffer golf.

     15 clubs but can only use driver & putter and need a case of balls (for the front 9).

     Cancel that. The golf stuff went in a garage sale.


Sold the boat so gave up Water Skiing


Sold the camper but bought a 5th Wheel Trailer.

OR has really great campgrounds

Camping in places like the coastal redwoods is as close to heaven as you can get

    (before assuming room temperature).

